12 Things You Can Do Right Now To Brighten Your Day
Or Week. Month. Year.
You may have noticed that adult life has a way of making you forget how to have fun. We don’t need to tell you this is dull, unhealthy, and unproductive — but if you need a little help recovering your moxie, we’ve got you! Make boredom a thing of the past with these 12 ideas.
1. Play outside
Break out your bike and go adventuring! Tossing a Frisbee or climbing a tree is also sure to make your inner kid jump for joy. Don’t forget to dress the part and record one significant moment to share the adventure.
2. Download a silly ringtone
A quick fix when your life lacks laughter! Download the most ridiculous ringtone you can find, turn the volume way up, and set your phone aside. The first call that comes in will instantly crack you up.
3. Release your inner poet (or, your inner comedian)
Want to spice things up with your partner? Write them a love letter. Better yet, learn a poem and recite it by heart. Too corny for you? Learn a new joke instead. Writing, in general, is said to lighten moods and relieve stress from the many things we have circulating in our heads.
4. Be an adventurous eater
You love food, but your typical dinner is a tuna sandwich eaten while standing over the sink? Do yourself a favor and make that dish you’ve really been craving. If that bombs, let’s face it, a delicious, hearty milkshake is just as good.
5. Take a trip
Traveling has a way of refreshing the body and mind. Even a short trip can make you feel like a million bucks. The key is to escape your everyday existence, even if only for a weekend. If you’re really stuck where you are, find the nearest pool and jump in. Seriously. It’s the next best thing!
6. Lose your phone and embrace your silly self at work
If the idea of switching off your phone for a few hours gives your heart palpitations, all the more reason to try it out. If you want to feel truly free, you’ve got to disconnect! And the quickest fix to bust stress at work is to be as silly as possible without causing your boss to give you the side-eye. Spin around in your chair! Put your feet up! Doodle in the margins! Once you got the sillies out of your system, try taking a new route to and from work and turn your daily commute into an adventure.
7. Road Trips Wanted
Need to clear your head or switch it up? Hop in the car, turn on some of your favorite tunes or podcast and hit the highway for an hour or two. This has definitely been one of my past times when stuck and in search of a mood booster.
8. High-five a stranger
Want to make an instant connection with a stranger? Give them a high-five. It will have both of you smiling. There is even science to prove it — studies have shown that friendly touches like high-fives or pats on the back trigger self-satisfaction. Go on and share the good vibes!
9. Be kind
Become that person we all want to be and perform a random act of kindness — it’s addictive, you’ll see.
10. Listen to music
If you’re like us, you never leave the house without your headphones — listening to tunes will make you feel good no matter what kind of day you had. Feeling inspired? Learn to play an instrument. In addition to feeding your creativity, it will boost your patience and self-confidence.
11. Take a nap
Take a nap — don’t fight it! Take a cue from your grandmother — she’d tell you that a nap will literally boost your energy.
12. Garden your stress away
Gardening actually has numerous health benefits (the clear you head factor). Go ahead and plant some herbs — you’ll be reducing your stress levels in the process.
It’s been a joy, thanks for reading.
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h/t: Drifter