What an Introvert Needs to Be Happy

Lessons learned along the way from an introvert to you

Jonathan Printers Jr., LSW
6 min readMar 9, 2020
Photo by Charles Etoroma on Unsplash

I used to feel bad about being an introvert. Different. Ashamed. I wished I could be more like my extroverted friends who seemed as if they were always outgoing and can light up any room. They had no problem carrying on a conversation with anyone. They didn’t get as mentally and physically fatigued from socializing — and life in general — as I did.

Later in life, when I began studying and writing about introversion, I learned there’s nothing wrong with being an introvert. Introversion is in your DNA from birth, and our brains are wired a little differently than those of extroverts. Our minds process things deeply, and because we’re sensitive to the “feel good” neurotransmitter dopamine, we just don’t get “high” off socializing as extroverts do.

Because of our wiring, we need somewhat different things in life to be happy, compared to extroverts. Here are 12 of those things.

1. Plenty of time to wind down and process

Yes, introverts need downtime after big parties and networking events to recharge our energy. But we also need downtime after the “little” things, too. Because we’re wired to process ideas and events deeply, introverts may get very drained by, say, a stressful day at work, shopping in a crowded mall, or a heated conversation with a significant other.

Time to unwind allows us to fully comprehend what we just experienced — and lower our stimulation level to one that’s more comfortable and sustainable. Without downtime, we’ll feel brain dead, irritable, and even physically unwell or tired.

2. Meaningful conversation

How was your day? How was your weekend? What’s new with you? We “quiet ones” can do small talk (it’s a skill many of us have forced ourselves to learn), but that doesn’t mean we don’t absolutely loathe it. I can’t deal with it. I can answer that question the same: “Okay. Great. Terrific. Wonderful. Fine.” and the list goes on. There’s no substance and it’s routine more so than actually being invested in what’s going on in my life.

Many introverts crave diving deep, both in our interests and in our relationships. We need something more: What’s something new you’ve learned lately? How are you a different person today than you were ten years ago? Does God exist? In what ways were you challenged today?

Not every conversation has to be soul-searchingly deep. Sometimes introverts really do just want to know what you did this weekend. But if we’re only fed a diet of small talk, we’ll feel like we’re starving. Without those intimate, raw, big-idea moments, we’ll be unhappy.

3. Companionable silence

It may seem contrary to #2, but introverts also need people in their lives who are content with quiet. People who can sit in the same room with us, not talking, each of us doing our own thing.

People who won’t nervously jump to fill a pause in the conversation but will let thoughts linger, waiting until ideas have been fully digested. Without companionable silence, introverts won’t be happy.

4. Space to dive deep into our hobbies and interests

17th-century horror novels. Celtic mythology. Restoring old cars. Gardening, painting, cooking, or writing. If it’s out there, introverts are diving deep into it. Having time alone to focus on our hobbies and interests recharges us because while absorbed in them, many of us enter an energizing state of flow.

According to psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, “flow” is a mental state in which a person is fully immersed in an activity and enjoying the process. A flow state comes naturally to many introverts, and without it, we won’t feel happy.

5. A quiet space that’s all ours

Admittedly, this is something even I don’t have right now. Introverts absolutely need a private, quiet space to retreat to when the world is too loud. Ideally, it’s a room that we can arrange and decorate ourselves, and have full control of.

Being fully alone, without fear of intrusion or interruption, is invigorating on a near-spiritual level for introverts.

6. Time to think

According to Dr. Marti Olsen Laney in The Introvert Advantage, introverts may rely more on long-term memory than working memory (for extroverts, it’s the opposite). This might explain why we introverts struggle to put our thoughts into words.

Although words seem to flow effortlessly for extroverts, introverts often need an extra beat to think before responding — or much longer to consider a bigger issue. Without time to process and reflect, introverts will feel stressed.

7. People who understand that sometimes we’ll be staying home

For introverts, socializing is all about dosage. We need friends and loved ones in our lives who understand that sometimes we just can’t “people” — and they accept this, minus the guilt trip.

8. A deeper purpose to our lives and work

Everyone needs to pay their bills, and for many of us, that’s why we go to work, even if we have to drag ourselves kicking and screaming. And some people are content with this arrangement (or at least tolerate it). But for many introverts, it’s not enough — we crave work and a life that’s purposeful and meaningful.

We want to do more than just earn a paycheck and put a roof over our heads. Without meaning and purpose in our lives — whether it comes from our job or something else — introverts will feel deeply unhappy.

9. Permission to remain quiet

Sometimes, we just won’t have the energy to interact. Or we’ll be turned inward, doing what introverts do best, which is reflecting and analyzing.

Pointing out, “You’re so quiet!” or prodding us to talk will only make us feel self-conscious. At these times, give us permission to remain quiet — it’s what we need to be happy. After time to process and recharge, we’ll likely return to you with plenty to say.

10. Independence

Unique and fiercely independent, introverts are more inclined to let their own inner resources guide them than follow the crowd.

We do our best work — and are our happiest — when we have the freedom to explore ideas, spend time alone, and be self-directed and independent.

11. The simple life

I have an extroverted friend who seems to do it all — volunteering at her son’s school, caring for her family, and planning get-togethers for our friends, on top of a full-time job.

As an introvert, I’d never survive that same schedule; besides, the simple life is good enough for me. A good book, a lazy weekend, a meaningful conversation with a friend — and some snuggles from my animal friends — are what makes me happy.

12. Friends and loved ones who value us despite our quirks

We’re never going to be the most popular person in the room. In fact, in a large group, you might not even notice us at all, as we tend to remain in the background.

Nevertheless, just like anyone else, introverts need people in our lives — people who see our value and care for us despite our quirks. We know that at times, we can be difficult to deal with — nobody’s perfect. When you love and accept us as we are, even when our introverted quirks don’t make sense to you, you’re making our lives profoundly happier.

Jenn Granneman is the author of The Secret Lives of Introverts: Inside Our Hidden World. More from her book here.

It’s been a joy, thanks for reading.

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Jonathan Printers Jr., LSW
Jonathan Printers Jr., LSW

Written by Jonathan Printers Jr., LSW

Finn’s dad | Psychotherapist | Army Officer (IG @modern.therapist) | Workplace Health and Attachment behaviors.

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